Monday, April 6, 2020

Vampire Fandom

      Many people have a great interest for stories that have to do with supernatural creatures such as vampires. Some may believe these stories and some may not, nevertheless their interests in this topic are high. Many people create website pages explaining who Dracula is and where he originated from along with his story. There are different versions out there, but Bram Stoker's book is the most popular. Some examples of these fan pages are given to allow you the opportunity to explore what people share online. These are just two pages that show what exactly people include in these pages to represent Count Dracula.  

Vampires: Real Origins, Legends & Stories - HISTORY
Along with website pages that explain what a vampire is and their lifestyles there is online communities that people can join. A site i found allows people who feel that they are goth or even a vampire to connect with people that are similar to them in this way. This site also gave some background about the history of vampire obsessions and why people have this interest. These pages and communities are created to provide knowledge for those who are curious and for those who feel that they may associate themselves to being a vampire.

Endless Night New York Vampire Ball 2017... - Father Sebastiaan ...A common way for may to enjoy their interest in vampires is to go to conventions and dress up. Many conventions have dress codes to make sure everyone is dressing like a vampire to make it realistic. To further the idea this website shares a dress code for an event with you The usual dress code consists of all black along with fangs and many people to chose to wear contacts. These conventions often have activities for people to do along with performances.

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines - Wikipedia
Another thing people do to enjoy this interest is role playing. There are many online games that give the opportunity for this. One of the most popular games is The Masquerade. This allows people to be in life playing the role of a vampire and figuring out everyday life including fighting against vampire hunters. This game became so popular over time that card games and books were created based off of it. This game is known to be pretty intense for some people and even some avid gamers question it.


“Agenda 2020.” Endless Night Vampire Ball,

“Count Dracula.” Dracula Wiki,

“Count Dracula.” Vampedia,

Hall, Charlie. “Vampire: The Masquerade's Latest Edition Is Trying to Deal with Sex and Power in 2018.” Polygon, Polygon, 25 July 2018,

“Vampire: The Masquerade.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 1 Apr. 2020,


  1. The vampire fandom is a very interesting group of people. I can't believe there is a website for people who feel like they are a vampire. I also had no idea that there are vampire conventions, but I guess it's a pretty neat thing to have for people who are so interested in the creature. It seems like the vampire fan community has a great passion for their interest, and it reminds me of fans of comic books/superheroes. This was a great blog with some good information!

  2. It was very interesting diving into your post and learning about groups of people who feel like the associate with the vampire species. The links you attached were very informative I enjoyed reading this material very much. It's always nice seeing groups of people coming together like they have conventions to meet each other and learn. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Wow, this was really interesting! The vampire site that you included was especially interesting for the people who feel they are vampires. It is always interesting to read about different groups that are formed by people. Overall your post was really informative and very interesting!
